Middles Filter

To the right of the Middles table you will find a filter panel (in the mobile version you will need to tap on the button with 3 horizontal lines to access it). It will help to display only the most relevant middles and sort them in the preferred way.

|Middles filter |Middles filter in mobile version |


The very first drop-down list allows selecting a filter, combining several filters or saving a filter (see Multi-Filter).


You can sort from most distant to nearest events by Start Time, and from biggest to smallest by: Expected Value (recommended, the higher - the better), Middle Odds, Probability, Advantage (same to Overvalue in Valuebets_Filter), Loss, and Win. Sort direction (from largest to smallest or vice versa) can be set by clicking on the triangle button next to the sorting properties list. OR by clicking on the respective column header. Note: Expected Value, Probability, Overvalue, Loss, and Win all pertain to the first column.

Event during

This filter option sets the time interval for the event to start. You can choose one of the preset values or set a custom one.

Expected Value (EV)

It is a mathematical expectation of the middle. To calculate it, we use the following formula:

EV = Probability of hitting the middle * Profit with middle hit - Probability of missing the middle * Loss

Expected value should be the main search criterion. Let us compare two middles. The first middle has a possible loss of 10%, and profit of 20%; thus the middle odds equal to 2. The second middle has a possible loss of 1% and profit of 2%, which as well makes the odds equal to 2. With the same probability of hitting the middle, they will have the same overestimation - yet the first one will have 10 times higher expectation.

Middle odds

Middle odds are calculated as: possible win devided by possible loss.

Estimated probability of middle hit

These are your chances of hitting the middle. To assess the probability of hitting a middle, we sum up the probabilities of each outcome comprising the middle (average probabilities across all bookmakers) and subtract 100% from the resulting amount.

Profit with middle hit

It is your gain when winning two bets.

Loss with a miss

This is what you get in case of winning only one bet, OR what you lose in case both bets lose.


We suggest paying special attention to middles with a positive risk. They are labeled as MAX. Such middles are similar to surebets in a way that they bring guaranteed profit. If both bets win, such middles behave like regular ones. However, in case of winning only one bet, they still ensure certain profit like surebets.

In the Middles table these values will be presented in the following way:

Middles Table with values explained


Bookmakers can be selected based on player preferences. To do this, just check the respective boxes. “Check all” selects or deselects all bookmakers at once. If you select only one bookmaker, it is very possible that no middles will be displayed - valid middles within one bookmaker are very rare.

A search field in the list of bookmakers Suggesting bookmakers

The quickest way to find a bookmaker is to start typing its name in the search field. All the bookmakers that have a similar name will be immediately shown. Their full website address can be further checked in Bookmaker Settings (see Alternative Domain for a Bookmaker). If you do not find your bookmakers in the list, we would appreacite if you could suggest them to us via the "Need another bookmaker" link at the bottom of the Bookmakers list. Websites with the most votes are tracked and considered for addition by our team.

Clicking on "Popular" shows bookmakers frequently selected by users from your country. This is a great starting point if you're new to our website or to sports betting. Just make sure to first deselect all bookmakers via the "Check all" box - then only the popular ones will be checked.

"Show mine" presents your personal selection of bookmakers — the ones that you have kept visible (not hidden). You can check or uncheck bookmakers in your shortlist and apply the changes; they will remain displayed unless you choose to hide them.

Personal list of bookmakers

To hide a bookmaker, click the "Hide the rest" button or the Trash icon in the Bookmaker menu. You can bring up the menu by clicking the black triangle next to the bookmaker's name. Hiding is applied globally for all filters and areas of the site. This means that if you select several bookmakers and hide the rest in Middles, they will also be hidden in Surebets and Valuebets.

To unhide (bring back) a bookmaker, type its name in the search field or press the "Show all" button and check the box for it.

List Icon

Next is the List button, which displays all available bookmakers in two modes: alphabetical order and tree view. The tree view clearly shows basic (parent) bookmakers and their twin-sites (mirrors, clones) in sublists. Note that only one bookmaker can be selected from a sublist, so you cannot choose a basic bookmaker and its twin (or two twins) at the same time. Consider creating and saving a separate filter for this purpose (see Multi-Filter).

After selecting the necessary bookmakers, save your changes by clicking the "Apply and Filter" button.

Every bookmaker has a number of options available — click on the arrow next to the bookmaker name to see a drop-down list (also see Alternative Domain for a Bookmaker).

Bookmaker's dropdown menu

“Required bookmaker” will display only middles containing this bookmaker and will make it bold in the bookmakers list. The same action will occur if you right-click on a bookmaker in the list. “Only one outcome with bookmaker” means that only one outcome in the middle will belong to this bookmaker (as certain bookmakers prohibit 2 stakes for the same event). Minimum and maximum odds for separate bookmakers can be specified too.


To select preferred sports, check the respective boxes. “Check all” selects or deselects all sports at once.


The tournaments filter allows you to focus on particular sports events. You can choose to show only selected tournaments, exclude certain ones, or keep all available events as the default option. Note that you can specify up to 20 tournaments in the filter.

The Filter button applies the selected filter conditions to the list of displayed middles.

The Reset button restores all filter settings to the default mode, showing all available search results for the 15 main sports.